This section of the analysis of the Appalachian Mountains discusses the sedimentary deposits we observed on our trip. We inspected rocks at Thorn Hill, Pine Mountain, Hazard, the Kentucky River Fault Zone, Natural Bridge Park, and the surrounding area. We also looked at rocks at Bays Mountain and Ocoee Gorge, although not in as much detail.
Thorn Hill
1. Rome Formation
The Rome Formation is the bottom of the exposed section at
Thorn Hill. The Rome Formation is early Cambrian in age. The Copper
Creek thrust fault cuts through the Rome Formation. The rocks have a
reddish color, and also, in some places, it shows mud cracks. Under
the microscope, the calcite is very fine grained and well sorted.
This series of rocks could have been deposited in a
continental shelf environment. The Rome Formation must have been in
shallow water where the sediment could be exposed to air long enough to
form mud cracks and for the cement to be oxidized to produce the
reddish color we see under the microscope.
2. Conasauga Group
Both the Maryville Limestone and the Rogerville Shale are
in the Conasauga Group. The limestone and the shale are interbedded.
The limestone is massive, sometimes ten meters thick. There are no mud
cracks like in the Rome Formation. There are shell fragments as well
as evidence of bioturbation.
The Conasauga Group, would have been farther out in the
water than the Rome. Since there were no mud cracks, these rocks were
not exposed to air, but if they were, it was not for very long. The
very thick limestones and shales and the thickness of the limestones
indicate that there were no tides strong enough to disturb the
sediments. The depth of the water would have been deeper than for any
in the Rome Formation.
3. Chickamauga Group
While the Knox and Conasauga Groups are early Ordovician,
the Chickamauga Group is middle Ordovician. There are sand-sized
grains within the limestone. There are ash layers in this rock. Also,
in the ash beds there are rip up clasts, nice lamination, but some soft
sediment deformation. There is very little siliclastic input in the
The Chickamauga Group contains ash beds with nice
lamination which indicates that these beds were relatively undisturbed.
4. Moccasin Formation
Brachiopods, corals, bryozoans, and criniods are very
prolific in the beds of the Moccasin Formation. The limestone fossil
beds alternate with limestone beds that contain no fossils. These beds
are several tens of centimeters thick. In upper layers, mud cracks
are visible. The beds are nicely laminated.
The Moccasin Formation has beds that are meters thick, some
with fossils and some without. This would have to have been a changing
subaqueous environment. This could be the time where water begins to
recede from the beach.
5. Martinsburg Formation
This formation contains interbedded shales and limestones;
there are no fossils in the shales. The limestone is mud rich and
micritic. There is definite graded bedding. Ripple laminations are
visible. Under a microscope, the limestone is poorly sorted. There
are beds that contain shell hash that is graded.
The Martinsburg Formation shows ripples, so it must have
been under water but far enough away from the shore that the waves
still affect the sediment but are not strong enough to destroy them.
6. Juniata Formation
In this formation, mud cracks, plant roots, burrows, and a
reddish color dominate. Under the microscope, we can see small quartz
crystals in a muddy matrix which appears red. This rock is a limey
mudstone to limestone.
The Juniata Formation shows a reddish color which usually
means that the rock has been oxidized, and we can see (under the
microscope) that it has an oxidized matrix. Also, there are small
quartz grains which could be indicative of the next step in moving
toward the upper delta plain.
7. Clinch Formation
This sandstone shows planar asymmetric cross stratification
from which paleocurrent data could be collected (see figure data-1).
There were fossils that were either roots or traces of burrows. The
sands are large grains that are well sorted and subangular. This
sandstone is very pure, there is almost no cement.
The Clinch Formation is a very pure sandstone whose grains
are well rounded, which usually means that they have traveled a long
distance (to be so well weathered). The sand would have been deposited
first, the grains being the largest and would have dominated the beach
above the tides.
Pine Mountain
At Pine Mountain, the most striking feature is the red
shale. Also, there are no coals. In the Devonian sand and shale
sequence, paleocurrent data was collected (see figure data-2).
red color comes from oxidation. Some of these shales
originated at a soil horizon where dead plants could oxidize which also
indicates that they were not quickly buried. Paleosols are
to preserve. (Figure photo-1 is a photograph of Pine Mountain).
Kentucky River
The Lexington Limestone has no fossils. There was minor
bioturbation in some layers of this formation. These layers alternate
between a thick, grayish layer and a thin, yellow-tanish layer in a
general fining upward sequence. In almost every layer, we see mud
cracks. Closer examination reveals very fine laminations and very
definite grading. The sequence repeats itself for several meters
(figure photo-2 is a photograph of the outcrop).
This carbonate platform shows characteristics of a
supratidal environment. It has mud cracks and laminations. The
fossils could have been brought up during an especially high tide since
they are shallow marine life. Also, in the Lexington Limestone, there
are mud intraclasts wish are also a diagnostic sedimentary structure.
Natural Bridge Park and Area
In the Natural Bridge Park, the Breathitt is in contact
with the Newman and there is an unconformity between them. There are
large planar foresets and uni-directional paleocurrents. We were able
to collect paleocurrent data (see figure data-3). We also observed
some larger grains imbedded in the fine grained rocks. (Figure photo-3
is a photograph of the Natural Bridge.)
In the general area around Natural Bridge, we can see
channel like geometry with clear evidence of erosion; there is an
obvious uncomformity. There are low angle foresets which are
perpendicular to the channel and ripples are visible. The paleocurrent
changes directions (see figure data-4). We also see coal seams which
are overlain by sand that lacks evidence of scouring.
These rocks were most likely deposited by some kind of
fluvial system. The obvious erosion that we see was probably due to a
high velocity fluvial system. The planar cross bedding at the park
indicates a fluvial system as well. We also see flaser bedding which
could indicate an inconstant flow velocity. This could have been a
meandering river system, the scouring taking place at the inside turns
of the river. The coal beds could have been deposited after the river
had moved away.
The Haddix Formation contained many terrestrial fossils,
mostly plants (figure data-5 is a measured section). It also contained
coals. In this formation, the contacts are fairly comformable. The
sandstone at Hazard is much less clean that the sandstone at Natural
Bridge. Fire clays are seen near the coals. In some places, it was
possible to collect paleocurrent data (see figure data-6).
These rocks could have been deposited very close to the
ocean, or in a place where the water table would have been high enough
to support plant life, but not high enough to kill it, and also high
enough to preserve the dead plants or at least to keep them from
decomposing. The fire clays show that oxidation did occur. This could
have been part of a large river system, like a meandering system, such
as at Natural Bridge.
The rocks that formed Appalachian Mountains were obviously deposited in a marine setting. The rock sequence shows that these rocks had to be deposited on the edge of the continent. Some of them have been oxidized and others show evidence of very shallow marine life (bioturbation),while still more show no evidence of marine life. Some fossils show plant life and coal beds near each other which also implies that it was near a large quantity of water. As sediments, these rocks could have traveled through meandering rivers to the edge of the continent and be carried out to sea to settle once they reached a beach or a delta.
General Stratigraphic Column for the Appalachian Mountains |
Corbin Breathitt | 250m | Penn. |
Newman | 30m | Miss. |
Borden | 130m | |
Grainger | 144m | Dev.-Miss. |
Chattanooga | 273m | |
Clinch | 71m | M. Ord.-Sil. |
Juniata | 111m | |
Martinsburg | 590m | |
Moccasin | 192m | |
Chickamauga | 450m | M. Ord. |
Knox Conasauga | 1000m | L. Ord. |
Rome | 600m | L. Camb. |
Chilhowee | 1000m | |
Ocoee | 9800m | Pre-Camb. |