The new day dawns
Light pours over the Earth
Chasing away the darkness
Illuminating the way we go
In the darkness
That first candle
Pierces the heavy veil
The light is hope
Now we can see
As we live in the day
So must we live in darkness
But stay steadfast
Knowing that light of hope
The light of Christ
Will always be there
To light the path
The anticipation begins with this day
For the first time, the path of salvation
Is clearly lit, it is there
It is not the anticipation of Christmas
As children see and understand it
It is the anticipation of joy
Of the knowledge that He was born
As each of us were born
It is the anticipation of His Final Victory
To let us know that we must live in readiness
And so with this the first of our New Year
Let us prepare ourselves and each other
To live fully in Christ, and in His eternal light.
© 2007 J. Anne Mauck |