FoxMUD's Old mailinglist info

Please note that this info is all out of date, but preserved here for "posterity"...
and I'm feeling compelled to add an "LOL" on the end of that for some reason...

FOXMud had two email lists.....
confusing? on.

The majordomo one and the one Sygis maintains. Majordomo is a day to day list that anyone can send information through, while the one Sygis keeps is largely used less, but more comprehensive. If you do not like frequent mailings, you might want to just include your address in Sygis' list.

Currently this list is maintained by Sygis. Separate email lists are maintained for Mortals, Wizards and a few sub-groups. If your email address changes, or if you want to be added to this list (we encourage Mortals to be on it, and rather expect Wizards to be listed,) just email Sygis at his address. Removal requests must be in writing.

If you like keeping up to date with everyday things on FOXMud, and do not mind frequent emails from us, and from anyone who wants to email all of us, you should subscribe to our majordomo lists.

The two of note were:

fox - this list goes out to ALL our subscribing users, every level (usually, only gods, lesser creators, and creators can send email out through this list, though exceptions are up to these folks.
foxchat - this list is for chatting or any emails these folks care to send.

There were 3 exceptions that would get you blacklisted without question:

And anyone could send through this list (it was duly noted that level had no impact on this... yeah right).

To subscribe to one of our majordomo emailing lists, send an email from the address you wish to have such emails sent to. Leave the subject blank, and have


in the body of the letter, and nothing else. The subscription address

To send email to be bounced to all the other users who subscribe to that emailing list, send a letter to the appropriate following addresses: To all, from gods only. To all, from all. To administration, from all. coders, from all.

Finally, to unsubscribe, send


in the body of an email to, subject left blank again.

Usually mass emails are sent out for upcoming events (e.g., Quests), to announce something major (like when we move to a new site), or just to inform and\or receive feedback from all of our players. One last thing....Sygis requests that everyone that plays FoxMUD send him their email address if they are new, recently changed providers, or if he does not already have it.