Thanatos and I met years ago on our way to a kaer. Since
we had the same goal, we decided to work together temporarily. It is fortituitous
that we did, as the challenges before us were greater than either of us
expected, and without the other, our legends would have been cut short
then and there. Our partership became friendship during that time, and
I could not have asked for anything more in a companion. We have worked
and fought side-by-side for so long now that I can scarcely remember the
years before when I adventured alone. It was surprising enough to meet
with a blood elf that day in the tavern, but getting to know Thanatos
has disproven every prejudice against them, not that I was inclined to
believe them anyway.
We have both come a long way since then, the young Warrior
and Nethermancer, now masters in our Disciplines. Of course, we have saved
each other's life innumerable times, and he has made everything easier
to face, even when I was alone. We never had any interest in a romantic
relationship, as happens so much among those destined to live short, violent
lives. Indeed, the best thing we ever did was to become Blood Sworn to
each other. Now we are linked in a way that defies description. Whatever
we face, we see through together, wherever we are.