
Common Magical Items

Clean Cloth
This cloth is used to make masks that help breathing, especially during the storms. They are also used by Mist Walkers, who are determined to destroy the mist biters and clear the skies of the Wastes. Characters who use this cloth, even outsiders, do not have to make the Toughness checks.

Ritual Master Pendant
This is a minor pattern item for each Ritual Master. It is a simple looking pendant, but it is actually a small ingot of orichalcum. Engraved upon it is the same symbol that Ritual Masters have tattooed on their foreheads. This pendant prevents the use of Nĉmu Gems and other blood charms.

Nĉmu Gems
1 permanent damage each, 1 strain per use
Each gem is a blood charm. Each one looks like a charm hanging from a circle, except that they are attached directly to the skin. They are typically worn on the forehead, though some, mostly men, choose to wear them on the backs of their hands. Only one can be worn at a time. Anyone except Ritual Masters can wear them. Though the colors vary widely (they can be created from any stone, plain or precious), there are only 5 effects. Generally, they are associated with a certain color, simply for the sake of consistency.

Blue - Sky: +3 to Lifesight
Red - Fire: +3 to Fireblood
Green - Forest: +3 to Dominate Beast
Black - Shadow: +3 to Silent Walk
Clear - Spirit: +3 to Spirit Mount

Anti-magic collars
There are two kinds of these collars, one type that supresses everything from talents to horror powers to karma. The second kind supresses only threadweaving and spellcasting, permenant spells lose their effect while this collar is being worn. These collars are often used to restrain criminals or to even the playing field during tournaments.

Star balls
Threads: 1
Spell Defense: 10
Each ball is made of electrum (silver and gold together). Each ball holds three spell matrices, however, only one is accessible at a time. It takes one round to switch the spell that is "on the top" of the ball. The creators of these balls once tried to include more matrices, however, they found it took more than one round to switch to spells that were "father away" from each other than directly "next to each other." They are frequently used with Opao Staves. See the "Opao Staff" for more about how this works.

Opao Staff
Threads: 2
Spell Defense: 12
Opao Staves are made of snakewood and are nearly impossible to break. Their general shape is a long rod, four to five feet in length, with a shallow cup shape at one end. Small magical items, such as star balls, are placed on this cup. They appear to float about an inch above the cup. A thread attached to this item has two effects. The first is the ability to use a star ball or other item with it, and the second is a bonus of two steps to Spellcasting.

Snakewood Bow
Threads: 2
Spell Defense: 10
Obviously made of snakewood, these bows are ridiculously durable, like Opao Staves. They look like normal long bows, but have three ranks. Since these bows are hard to make, each one is carefully crafted and Named by its creator. It is a size 4 weapon, with a base 5 damage step.

Rank 1
Cost: 100
Key Knowledge: The Name of the bow.
Effect: The bow's damage is now step 6.

Rank 2
Cost: 200
Key Knowledge: The Name of the creator.
Effect: +1 to Missile Weapons.

Rank 3
Cost: 500
Effect: Damage is raised to step 7 and gives a bonus of +2 to Missile Weapons.

Legendary Magical Items

Aseh's Thorn
Threads: 2
Spell Defense: 15
This dagger looks dull, but is sharp enough to slice cleanly through flesh before it is felt, but only after a thread has been woven to it. Aseh created this dagger with no edge, it was meant to be a model for other daggers he planned to make for his sons and daughters, of which he had many (he was not sure they were all his, though he had six wives). Unfortunately, no one knows how many of these daggers he actually finished. His second son, Decran, killed him one night in his forge. Only his hand was recovered, the rest was presumed destroyed by fire. Decran himself was hanged for this crime and several others that only his father believed he was innocent of.

Base step 3 damage with no threads, but it cannot cut through anything.

Rank 1
Cost: 200
Key Knowledge: The Name of the dagger.
Effect: Step 4 damage

Rank 2
Cost: 300
Key Knowledge: How Aseh was killed and by whom.
Effect: Adds +1 to spell defense

Rank 3
Cost: 500
Effect: Step 5 damage

Rank 4
Cost: 800
Key Knowledge: Why Aseh created this dagger.
Effect: Provides protection from damage by fire

Rank 5
Cost: 1300
Deed: Retrieve the hand from the woman who stole it three weeks after the funeral rites.
Effect: Step 6 damage and the dagger can cut through anything non-magical.

Threads: 1
Spell Defense: 15

This is a Pre-Scourge suit of Elven magical chainmail. It was worn by Agra Bravura, Dahu Akna, and Ston the Mad. All of these Name-Givers seemed to be invincible heroes. They were each responsible for maintaining the freedom of their people from various threats, including the Therans. This is one of the few Elven relics to be found in the Wastes. In most respects, this armor acts like the common magical chain armor. Base 8 armor rating, 6 mystic armor.

Rank 1
Cost: 200
Key Knowledge: The name of this suit of armor
Effect: Armor rating of 9, no initiative penalty.

Rank 2
Cost: 300
Effect: Armor rating of 10, mystic armor of 7

Rank 3
Cost: 500
Key Knowledge: A brief history of Agra, Dahu, and Ston
Effect: Heroic Glow: The armor can be made to glow by exerting 1 strain. This adds the rank of the armor to the wearer's charisma step. Armor rating of 11.

Rank 4
Cost: 800
Key Knowledge: The number of wearers this suit of armor has had (7)
Effect: Armor rating of 12, mystic armor of 8

Rank 5
Cost: 1300
Key Knowledge: The reason Ston went mad
Effect: Honorable Wilder: For two strain, the wearer can add the rank of the armor to their attack or damage step. This lasts for d4 rounds. Mystic armor of 9.

Rank 6
Cost: 2100
Deed: 2100
The Name-giver must plant a tree in their home town for each of the 7 wearers of this armor, as well as one for himself. He or she must maintain, or hire someone to do so, these trees until his death.
Effect: Silence: When the wearer shouts the Sperethiel word for silence during battle, while holding his arms wide open, his enemies can no longer hear any sounds for step 6 rounds.

The Isseolu Sphere
Threads: 5
Spell Defense: 18

These spheres are memory spheres created before the Scourge by talented magicians. It was created in an attempt to capture memories the way that Dragons store theirs in crystals. Shortly before the kaers of the Wastes were closed, the magicians succeeded. The Sphere cannot answer questions, but it can contain centuries of knowledge. The magicians stored their grimoires and the key knowledges for many items in this Sphere. There are 3 other spheres, one for each of the spellcasting disciplines, this one represents the Wizard discipline. (The others are named: Ablif, Phadri, and Emegah.) Once a thread has been woven to a Sphere, "memories" can be accessed. Before anything other than history can be recovered from the Sphere by an individual, he or she must pay 1000 legend points. If the thread is undone, this cost must be paid again. Spells can be copied from the Sphere using Read and Write Magic. The spells available in each Sphere are specific to the discipline which the Sphere represents.