Today, May 2, is this year’s National Day of Prayer. Some people miss the point of the day, saying “shouldn’t you be praying all year ’round?” Well, yes, but this day, much like other “Days” is for a reflection on why we do what we do year ’round. You don’t celebrate Mother’s Day just that day and write her off for the rest of the year. You don’t take Presidents’ Day and not reflect on the leaders, both former and current, of our nation, and say screw ’em the rest of the year. (On second thought, most of you probably do say that…)
This Day was established in 1952 and is observed by many people across the nation, both those associated with a specific denomination and those not. For some people it’s a really big deal, and not for the same reasons… Some love it, and some hate it. I’ll let you figure out who is who here.
So why do we need such a day now? Reflect on the following recent headlines:
Pentagon: Proselytizing Punishable by Court-Martial
Kermit Gosnell Murder Trial: Deliberations go on in Pa. abortion doctor’s case, no verdict
I could go on, but really, with these horrors going on every day in our country, neglecting to mention those outside our borders that are no less horrific, is it any wonder that there needs to be a day to remember why we need to pray for our leaders who make laws on our behalf (whether we voted for them or not)? These are frightening times we live in, whether you believe in God or not. But it’s a lot easier to go through with His support.
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