Category Archives: Uncategorized

Wow, a blog? What’s this?

Soooo, I forgot that this existed. I really should write more and post more instead of just snarky things on my instagram and memes on my facebook.

My daughter and I are going to start cooking more together (because she needs to know how to cook!) so maybe I’ll post some recipes or other things we do together. We just bought 2 rose bushes, so there’s gardening to be done too!

There’s all sorts of things I could do here… so let’s get cracking!

YouTube Tuesday: Metroid

Oh. My. God. I wish this was a feature length movie. It’s so amazing.

METROID: THE SKY CALLS // a Rainfall Films Intergalactic Odyssey
By: RainfallFilms

Youtube Tuesday: Deadpool Edition

Anyone who allows me to talk about comics and movies for any amount of time soon learns that I have a deep and intense love for Deadpool. I am so very super excited about the movie in less than 4 months!

D. Piddy is my favorite cosplayer. This is his latest video, but I recommend you check out his other convention appearances.

Deadpools vs New York Comic-Con 2015
by: D Piddy